Behind the phenomenon of gambling industry, there are definite individuals. The attitude to them is ambiguous. Some people consider them to be talented businessmen, respect them and learn from them. Others, conversely, condemn them. Doubtless is only one thing – these people are extraordinary, often venturesome, but at the same time they have… Read More

Nominated for seven Academy Awards including Best Picture, The Shawshank Redemption amazingly failed to win ????? a single Oscar. Its amazing because its probably one of the top ten best films ever produced. Based on Stephen Kings short story Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, the film transcends the typical intell… Read More

The Australian cricket umpire Darrel Hair, resident in the United Kingdom is a person who seems to love controversy. He began by no-balling Sri Lankas ace spinner Muttiah Muralitharan seven times for throwing in the Melbourne Test in 1995. Umpire Darrel Hair described the spinner’s action as diabolical, prompting the … Read More

A power inverter converts DC (Direct Current) power from your solar or wind charged battery into AC (Alternating Current). Anything that plugs into a wall outlet in your home runs on AC. RV (Recreational Vehicle) power inverters are designed for use with RV mounted solar panels. Having an RV solar power system is like havin… Read More

Casa Colonial Beach And Spa, Is The Only Real Five Star Hotel In The Dominican Republic Casa Colonial Beach and Spa, is the only real five star hotel in the Dominican Republic. Unlike many five star hotels it is in many ways closer to being one of the best small inns & hotels in the Dominican Republic, with only 40 roo… Read More