What Is Your Favorite Type Of Halloween Costume?

Do you enjoy dressing up? Deep down, we all like to pretend we’re someone we’re not. This is where all the monsters, superheroes, pirates, and other costumes available come in.

What do you prefer – scaring kids as a creepy ghost or goblin? Leaping tall buildings in a single bound as Superman? Almost any costume you can imagine can be found to rent or buy these days.

With new technology comes better ways of making costumes, and they’re getting more and more realistic all the time. The plastic fangs of years gone by have been replaced with much more realistic and creepy versions.

What’s your preference this Halloween? A fancy dress costume or something a little more terrifying? I have to say that fancy dress is not my style. A frightening creature of the 메이저사이트 night is much more up my alley (and a dark and scary alley it is!)

There are lots of scary outfits to choose from – Dracula isn’t your only choice. One of my personal favorites is the classic werewolf. Not some cheesy B movie costume, mind you. I’m talking about a massive beast of a lycanthrope like in the movie “The...

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